• Al Borgo

    Italian enjoyment in a stylish atmosphere

  • Al Borgo

    well hidden in the heart of Vienna


We accept your reservation requests
by our online form or
by phone at +43 (1) 512 85 59

opening hours

Mon - Fri 11:30am to 3pm (kitchen 2:30pm)
& 6pm to 11pm (kitchen 10:30pm)
Sat 6pm to 11pm (kitchen 10:30pm)
Sun- & holiday closed


Restaurant Al Borgo
An der Hülben 1
1010 Wien

Carlo Borelli


... at Ristorante "Al Borgo"! We are located in the first district of Vienna between St. Stephen's Cathedral and the city park. Our chef and his team prepare with passion and craftsmanship delicious Italian specialties. The fresh preparation of food is for us a matter of course, as well as a changing menu.

Whether the evening by candlelight or sunlight during the day, we pay attention to your culinary convenience six days a week. In this special atmosphere, we complete comfort and modernity. All friends of Italian cuisine are well received at The Ristorante "Al Borgo".

new years dinner

Let the year end together with us in a pleasant atmosphere and culinary delights.
additional we offer the New Years starter as another option.

Menu di San Silvestro 2024

italian New Years Dinner in Vienna

from 9pm till open end

Aperitivo del Buon Anno

Saluto della cucina: Canapè con verdure, ricotta di bufala speziata, salmone affumicato e balsamico
greetings from the kitchen: Canapé with vegetables, seasoned buffalo ricotta, smoked salmon and balsamic vinegar

Tartara di branzino e gamberi, fragoline e avocado con cracker di bisque e bolla di Mojito
Sea bass shrimp tartare with strawberries and avocado, served with biscuit crackers and mojito bubble


Carpaccio d’anatra affumicata con salsa al Rum, uvetta, basilico fritto e babà rustico
Smoked duck carpaccio with rum sauce, raisins, fried basil and rustic Baba

Panciotti di cantarelli e fontina con crema all’arancia rossa, tartufo nero e foglie d’oro
Ravioli with chanterelles-Fontina cheese, blood orange sauce, black truffle and golden leaves

Intermezzo: Spuma al pompelmo rosa con crumble di cantuccini e perle di frutta
Pink grapefruit foam with cantuccini crumbles and fruit pearls

Turbante di orata con crosta di tarallo su puree al lime Gel di lamponi e cavoletti di Bruxelles
Sea bream turban with tarallo crust on lime puree, raspberry gel and Brussels sprouts


Vitello (CBT) con salsa di Champagne rosa, tortino di patate viola, baby carote all’aneto
Veal fillet (CBT) with pink champagne sauce, purple potato cake and baby carrots with dill note

Millefogli di fine Anno: Panettone tostato con crema al Grand Marnier e Ganache al cioccolato, coulis al mandarino
Roasted Panettone with Grand Marnier cream, chocolate ganache and mandarin coulis

EUR 149,- /per person

book your New Years Dinner now *


* to make a fix reservation at New Year's Eve, we kindly ask you to fill out your credit card details in this form as a guarantee

we won't charge in advance!

Settimana Liguria - Ligurian weeks

our highlights for the Settimana Liguria

in addition to our a la carte menu


Information within the meaning of the Food Information Regulation to allergenic substances are at the restaurant


about Trentino

A combination of the sea - in Easter, narrow beaches and imposing rocky coasts - and the mountainous landscape characterizes this region. From the Mediterranean to the hinterland of the Ligurian Alps or the Apennines, this region is not even 40 kilometers wide.

Where mountains and sea meet - the Liguria region is particularly famous for its pesto Genovese. The herbs of Liguria play a major role in the refined dishes and specialties of Liguria. The popular focaccia - flat bread, similar to pizza - is prepared here in all imaginable variations.

Settimana Puglia - Puglian weeks

our highlights for the Settimana Puglia

in addition to our a la carte menu


Information within the meaning of the Food Information Regulation to allergenic substances are at the restaurant


about Puglia

A combination of the sea - in Easter, narrow beaches and imposing rocky coasts - and the mountainous landscape characterizes this region. From the Mediterranean to the hinterland of the Ligurian Alps or the Apennines, this region is not even 40 kilometers wide.

Where mountains and sea meet - the Liguria region is particularly famous for its pesto Genovese. The herbs of Liguria play a major role in the refined dishes and specialties of Liguria. The popular focaccia - flat bread, similar to pizza - is prepared here in all imaginable variations.

Roma Antica

Our highlights for Roma Antica

in addition to our a la Carte dishes

Information within the meaning of the Food Information Regulation to allergenic substances are at the restaurant

Ancient Rome
Set in modern Rome, there are the ancient remains of this cultural city. The forums, especially the Roman Forum to the Palatine Hill, the Coliseum and the Capitol immerse you in a sunken, but not forgotten world. A world in which not only the Caesars, senators and gladiators acted, but in the even that has left many traces "ordinary people". The trip to the culinary delights of antiquity began with olive paste on spelled bread - a typical Roman Snack, who comes from a traditional cookbook of Apicius.

Ur-meatball from Rome
"The Romans are considered the inventors of the meatball"
For large parties there were in the Roman tradition a feast with wine, in which the "Rex Bibendi" - the drinking King - certain the mixing ratio between wine and water. It was considered bad manners, pure drinking the wine. Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero was named because of his fondness for pure wine of his people mocking Emperor "Biberius" (drinkers). Amazingly it was not. Lag but the average consumption of a Roman with one to three liters of wine per day. 184 wines were familiar with the ancient Romans and drank it already for breakfast.

For the main course lamb was braised in hip milk and flavored with bay leaves and coriander. There were also lentils with chestnuts as a side dish, the Romans really knew no side dishes other than bread. Every meal was considered a self-contained dish. At the end of the evening there was still something that did not please any palate: a pear gratin with pine, Passum and honey from the oven. Without disguise it went in that evening - and it had nothing to do with the outdoors raging carnival. The Toga - it could be between two to five meters long - belonged to just this.

Alternative to salt
These fish sauce has been used as an alternative to salt, because salt cost a fortune. Just outside the city all the fish and other sea creatures of the sun were in large plants suspended until the fermentation began: From this mass is then pressed the fish sauce called "garum", which was virtually the Maggi antiquity. Pompeii had all factories producing. "The excavation of a military camp were found 4,000 liters of garum, which were filled into amphorae and up to the present time were preserved".


Our Highlights for Heringsschmaus

additional to our a la Carte dishes



Information within the meaning of the Food Information Regulation to allergenic substances are at the restaurant


In the Christian tradition, fasting is especially renunciation of meat and wine. With the end of Carnival one has repudiated forty days from these pleasures. Typical Fast dishes were and are soups, which were made of herbs, vegetables, peas, cereals, and later potatoes. Soups were food of ordinary people in the Middle Ages.

Also, fish are among the most traditional fast food. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday with the fish food or even the "Heringsschmaus“, which for a long time the cheapest fish was. Today he has become so rare by surprise that he now ranks among the delicacies.

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