Die Nutzung unserer Webseite ist in der Regel ohne eine Angabe personenbezogener Daten möglich. Soweit auf unseren Seiten personenbezogene Daten (beispielsweise Name, Anschrift oder E-Mail-Adresse) erhoben werden, erfolgt dies – soweit es möglich ist– immer auf freiwilliger Basis. Wir geben Ihre Daten ohne Ihre ausdrückliche Zustimmung nicht an Dritte weiter. Außerdem weisen wir Sie darauf hin, dass die Datenübertragung im Internet (wie beispielsweise bei der Kommunikation über E-Mail) Sicherheitslücken aufweisen kann. Denn ein lückenloser Schutz der Daten vor dem Zugriff durch Dritte ist nicht möglich.
Data-processing principles
Personal data are all the information that refers to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, age, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, IP address, or usage patterns. Information that we cannot link to your person, such as anonymized data, is not regarded as personal data. The processing of personal data (for example, in processes involving gathering, sourcing, use, storage or transmission) always requires legal grounds or the consent of the data subject. Personal data that have been submitted to data processing are eliminated once the purpose of these processes has been completed and there are no legal storage obligations.
Automated use of data generated/Record files
Whenever our website is accessed, and whenever a file on our web server is queried, certain technical data are stored. However, this type of storage is only performed by including the data in the form of anonymised data (dissociated from personal identifiers), so that the person cannot be identified with these data.
Withdrawal of consent
Consent for the processing of personal data, as well as for the sending of information messages, may be withdrawn at any time. Such withdrawal may be notified in writing to the email address provided in the legal notice, and the data subject’s name, surname(s) and email address must be provided. If a consent granted for personal data processing or for the transmission of information messages is withdrawn and the profile is also deleted, all personal data are deleted irrevocably if there is no legal requirement to continue to process them.
Right of appeal to the competent supervisory authority
In case of violations of data protection law, the person concerned has the right of appeal to the competent supervisory authority. In Austria you can do that at the Datenschutzbehörde unter:
Our website uses "cookies" (small files installed in the browser) and similar technologies with a view to offering its services and helping to collect data. Cookies permit, among other things, the storage of preferences and settings, facilitating registration, offering advertising specific to user interests, fighting fraud and analysing how our website services and online services work.
Our website uses the newsletter service MailChimp, which by The Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308 USA is operated (in a row "MailChimp"). We use this service to send you our newsletter after you have signed up for it. To your voluntarily announced personal data (name, address and e-mail address) is stored on servers in the United States of MailChimp. Your data will be only used to send you the ordered newsletter or possibly other information about products for which you are interested. , Your data may, under certain circumstances, however, then be used for statistical purposes if you have expressly given your consent on the relevant form. You can unsubscribe the service of MailChimp newsletters at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of the newsletter.
For more information on how to deal with your data, please see the - unfortunately available only in English - Privacy Policy MailChimp one
Google Maps
This website uses the map service Google Maps via API. This service is provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. To use the functions of Google Maps it is required to store your IP address. This information will usually be transferred to and stored on a server in the USA. The provider of this website has no influence on this data transmission.
For further information, please see Google’s Privacy Policy.
reservation form
If you choose to contact us via our reservation form, the personal data entered by you, including your contact data, will be stored by us to process and follow up on your enquiry. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent.
Subject to modifications and typographical errors.